Facts about FOREX Credit Card




225 SEK per year

Regional block

Block purchases in different geographic regions in the Credit Card Portal


You can apply for credit of SEK 10,000 – 80,000 and you have up to 56 interest-free days

Transfers and payments to the card

Yes, payment in your Internet and mobile banking. The OCR number can be found on the bank statement and in the Credit Card Portal

Secure online purchases

Yes, via Mastercard Identity Check

ATM withdrawals, Sweden

Equivalent to 5 000 SEK per withdrawal and a maximum of 20 000 SEK per rolling 7 days. Local deviations may occur

ATM withdrawals, abroad

For withdrawals outside the EU, there is no withdrawal fee. Within the EU, a withdrawal fee of 2%, at least 40 SEK, is charged. NB! The local bank may charge a fee for the withdrawal

Purchases in foreign currency

No currency markup

*Invoice terms

Every month, you will receive an invoice where the previous month's purchases and withdrawals are reported. The cut-off date for the bill is around the 4th of each month. If you buy something, for example, on 7 September, it does not need to be paid until the October notice, which is due on the last day of October. If, on the other hand, the purchase is completed on 3 September, the purchase will be on the September notice and must be paid no later than the end of September. If you pay the entire balance of the period on the invoice, no costs will be added (apart from any paper fee).

**Calculation example

Annual interest rate on credit utilization, currently 15.24% (2024-12). A utilized credit of SEK 20,000 that is repaid over 12 months gives an effective interest rate of 19.63%. Total amount to pay: SEK 23,361. Average amount/month: SEK 1,947, incl. administration fee.

Administration fee

Annual fee 225 SEK. Administration fee for credit withdrawal: currently 25 SEK/month. If you pay your entire closing balance each month, no interest or administration fee will be charged. The card is issued in cooperation with Nordea Finance, which is the lender.

Card issuer

The card issuer is Nordea Finance Sverige AB (publ), org.nr 556021-1475/VAT group no. 663000019501. The Board of Directors is based in Stockholm.

You check your credit card balance with your mobile phone

Card benefits

Read more about or log in to take advantage of discounts and offers from a variety of companies. With FOREX Credit Card, you also get other benefits such as offers through Mastercard Priceless and a cheaper rate on currency purchases in stores.

FOREX Credit Card

Invoice terms and calculation examples

* Invoice terms

Every month, you will receive an invoice where the previous month's purchases and withdrawals are reported. The cut-off date for the bill is around the 4th of each month. If you buy something, for example, on 7 September, it does not need to be paid until the October bill, which is due on the last day of October. If, on the other hand, the purchase is completed on 3 September, the purchase will be on the September notice and must be paid no later than the end of September. If you pay the entire balance of the period on the invoice, no costs will be added (except for any paper fee).

** Calculation example

Annual interest rate on credit utilization, currently 15.24% (2024-12). A utilized credit of SEK 20,000 that is repaid over 12 months gives an effective interest rate of 19.63%. Total amount to pay: SEK 23,361. Average amount/month: SEK 1,947, incl. administration fee.

Annual fee 225 SEK. Administration fee for credit utilization: currently 25 SEK/month. If you pay your entire closing balance each month, no interest or administration fee will be charged. The card is issued in cooperation with Nordea Finance, which is the lender.

Card issuer

The card issuer is Nordea Finance Sverige AB (publ), org.nr 556021-1475/VAT group no. 663000019501. The Board of Directors is based in Stockholm.