The price in Svalbard for a cup of


25-63 SEK

One hour

taxi ride

379-902 SEK

Svalbard's largest airports

Svalbard Airport, Longyear (LYR)

Find flights to Svalbard

Here you can easily search and explore different flight options for your trip.

Northern Lights over the mountains in Svalbard, Norway

Currency information

In Svalbard, you pay with Norwegian kroner (NOK). Means of payment accepted are cash or cards.

Most used means of payment


Primary currency in Svalbard

Plan your trip to Svalbard 

At FOREX, you can prepare and plan your trip to Svalbard through services such as currency exchange, booking experiences and activities, finding flights and travel insurance. Svalbard is a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic, known for its remote location, dramatic landscapes, and rich wildlife, including polar bears, walruses, and Svalbard reindeer. The region offers a unique blend of Arctic nature and history, from ice-covered fjords and glaciers to historic whaling stations and mining villages. Discover Svalbard's heritage through guided tours, museums, and by participating in local events. 

Things to Do in Svalbard

Svalbard offers a perfect combination of relaxation and adventure. Explore magnificent glacier hikes, dog sledding and ice caves, enjoy the northern lights during the winter months or experience the midnight sun that never sets during the summer. The region welcomes travelers with open arms, whether you're looking for an adventure in the wilderness, a scientific expedition, or a unique vacation. Some of the most popular activities include polar bear safaris, boat trips to remote fjords, and visits to the research-based settlement of Ny-Ålesund. The best way to experience Svalbard is through organized tours that take you safely through the wild and untamed nature of the archipelago. 
We wish you a fantastic trip to Svalbard with many joyful moments. Have a nice trip!

Book experiences in Svalbard

FOREX Index for Svalbard

The FOREX Index compares average prices for middle-class or three-star hotels, restaurants and taxis, among others.

Vacation Index
See the full list
Walruses are located on a pebble beach in Svalbard, Norway

Time Zone: UTC+1

Average gratuity in


10 %

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