The price in Agadir for a cup of


7-29 SEK

One hour trip with


45-81 SEK

Agadirs nearest airports

Agadir-Al Massira Airport (AGA)

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Currency information

In Agadir, Morocco, you pay with Moroccan dirham, MAD. Accepted means of payment are both cash and card.

Most used payment method


Primary currency in Morocco
Alternative currency

Travel to Agadir

At FOREX, you can prepare and plan your trip to Agadir smoothly through services such as currency exchange, experiences and activities, finding flights, and travel insurance. Each visit to Agadir is a unique opportunity to experience its rich historical background, impressive landscapes, and vibrant culture. Explore everything from historical monuments and scenic views to local markets. The cuisine here offers simplicity combined with rich flavors that reflect the local culinary character.

Things to do in Agadir

A world of discoveries awaits in Agadir, from its deep historical roots to natural wonders. Explore fascinating architecture, experience the colorful offerings of vibrant markets, or relax in the city's serene oases. Agadir is also known for its flavorful dishes, available from simple food stands to cozy restaurants. Discover the city's soul by walking its streets. Besides walking, the most convenient way to get around Agadir is by taxi and rental car.

Book experiences in Agadir

FOREX index for Agadir

The FOREX Index compares average prices for things like mid-range or three-star hotels, restaurants and taxis.

Vacation Index
See the full list

Time Zone: UTC+1

Average tip in a


10 %

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