The price in Goa for a cup of


9-20 SEK

One hour trip with


11-23 SEK

Goas nearest airports

Goa Dabolim Airport (GOI)

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Currency information

In Goa, India, you pay with Indian rupee, INR. Accepted means of payment are both cash and card.

Most used payment method


Primary currency in India
Alternative currency

Travel to Goa

At FOREX, you can prepare and plan your trip to Goa with services such as currency exchange, booking experiences and activities, finding flights, and travel insurance. Goa entices with its white sandy beaches, turquoise waters, and lush landscapes. A tropical paradise for all kinds of travelers. There's always something for everyone, whether you're after relaxation on the beach, adventure in nature, or discovering the island's cultural treasures.

Things to do in Goa

Goa offers a wide range of activities and attractions. Explore magnificent coral reefs by diving or snorkeling, hike in rainforests, or enjoy the sunset from a sailboat. The beaches provide perfect opportunities for sunbathing and relaxation. Among the most popular attractions and sights on Goa are Baga Beach, Fort Aguada and Basilica of Bom Jesus. The best way to get around Goa is with rental car and taxi.

Book experiences in Goa

FOREX index for Goa

The FOREX Index compares average prices for things like mid-range or three-star hotels, restaurants and taxis.

Vacation Index
See the full list

Time Zone: UTC+5:30

Average tip in a


10 %

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