What is the FOREX cash index based on?
The data on which the FOREX Cash Index is based is published by Statista, Numbeo and various global reports. The Cash Index is also based, and is an approximate percentage, on reports from various countries' central and national banks. In addition, it is an "average" value based on annual reports and reports from, among others, Cash Essentials, G4S, Euro Monitor, World Bank, Statrys and The Federal Reserve.
In the ECB's data, which is based on the "Study on the payment attitudes of consumers in the euro area", the survey material includes, among others, groceries, non-durable goods and hotels and restaurants.
The approximate percentages are estimates based on typical payment methods in the countries listed. Actual figures may vary depending on specific locations and facilities.
For a complete list of sources, see the list below.
When it comes to groceries, tourists are more likely to make smaller purchases and may therefore be more inclined to pay with cash than for larger purchases. Purchases of non-durable goods are not as common for tourists as for the local population. Hotels and restaurants are included and do not take into account that the cost of a restaurant visit is more often paid in cash than the hotel room, which is more often paid for with other means of payment. Therefore, it is not unlikely that the proportion of payments made in cash is even higher for travelers and tourists than is reported in surveys.
In addition, based on the statistics reported in the cash index, we can deduce that the average of all countries' cash use is around 50%, which means that about half of all purchases abroad are made in cash.