Currency in Kazakhstan - Tenge - KZT

Here you will find the current exchange rate and historical development of the Kazakhstani tenge (KZT) to SEK. KZT can be difficult currency to obtain, please check with our customer service about availability.

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KZT – the currency of Kazakhstan

Are you traveling to Kazakhstan and looking for Kazakhstani tenge?

FOREX does not trade in Kazakhstani tenge and the currency is hard to come by outside of Kazakhstan. Please contact our customer service if they can assist you with other solutions. In Kazakhstan, the dollar (USD) and euro also serve as alternative currency and to exchange with on the spot. 

Feel free to use our currency converter to compare Kazakhstani tenge against local currency. You can also see a graph of the development over time for the Kazakhstani tenge, KZT.

Rate Examples

Currency Rate 18MAR2025 10:00 AM
  • 1 KZT 0.02 SEK
  • 5 KZT 0.10 SEK
  • 10 KZT 0.20 SEK
  • 50 KZT 1.01 SEK
  • 100 KZT 2.03 SEK
  • 500 KZT 10.15 SEK
  • 1000 KZT 20.29 SEK
  • 1 SEK 49.28 KZT
  • 5 SEK 246.40 KZT
  • 10 SEK 492.81 KZT
  • 50 SEK 2 464.03 KZT
  • 100 SEK 4 928.05 KZT
  • 500 SEK 24 640.25 KZT
  • 1000 SEK 49 280.50 KZT

Possible denominations online

Banknotes - Kazakhstani tenge 10
  • Kazakhstan
    Primary currency